

import com.francisli.processing.restclient.*;

RESTClient client;

void setup() {
  client = new RESTClient(this, "");
  client.useSSL = true;

void responseReceived(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) {

void draw() {


The RESTClient class provides the interface for performing different types of HTTP requests against a particular server. Instantiate a new RESTClient object for each server you wish to communicate with.

Requests are performed in the background and responses are returned in a callback function with the following signature:

 void responseReceived(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) {


Because requests are performed in the background, it is important that you have a draw() function defined (even if it is empty, as shown in the example above) and the animation loop is running. Without a draw() function, Processing will terminate the sketch after setup(), which will shutdown all connections. If the animation loop is not running, you will never get a responseReceived() callback. The library will invoke your responseReceived() callback at the beginning of a frame, before your draw() function is called.

useSSL boolean: set true to use SSL encryption
logging boolean: set false to turn off logging information in the console
useOAuth boolean: set true to sign requests using OAuth
oauthConsumerKey String: the OAuth consumer key assigned to you for your app
oauthConsumerSecret String: the OAuth consumer secret assigned to you for your app
oauthAccessToken String: the OAuth access token for a user of your app
oauthAccessTokenSecret String: the OAuth access token secret for a user of your app
GET() Performs a GET request to fetch content from the specified path.
POST() Performs a POST request, sending the specified parameters as data in the same way a web browser submits a form.
setBearerAuthorizationHeader() Sets the HTTP Authorization header with a Bearer token value.
setHeader() Sets a new HTTP header that will be applied to every outgoing request.
RESTClient(parent, hostname)
RESTClient(parent, hostname, port)
RESTClient(parent, hostname, port, securePort)
parent PApplet: typically use "this"
hostname String: the domain name or IP address of the host
port int: the port to use for unsecured connections (typically 80)
securePort int: The port to use for secure connections (typically 443)
Usage Application
Updated on Sun Sep 03 21:52:12 PDT 2017

Creative Commons License